The Instructional Media Lab is a versatile multimedia, multi-use space that supports self-study, group instruction and research.
Located in Powell Library, Room 270, the Instructional Media Lab serves students, researchers, and instructors who wish to incorporate media into curricula outside of class. The lab is a viewing space for audiovisual materials of various formats from the UCLA Film & Television Archive (through the Archive Research and Study Center) and the Instructional Media Collections and Services. Please request materials in advance.
The space includes:
Individual media viewing stations
Small cubicles for studying, available on a first-come, first-served basis
11 rooms for groups, equipped for screening media, distance learning, test-taking, conferences and other uses. Reserve a room.
A 34-seat classroom that may be reserved by faculty and teaching assistants. The classroom is equipped to screen VHS, DVD (all-region) and Blu-ray, with adapters to connect a laptop. To reserve, please contact the Instructional Media Lab.
Monday–Friday, 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
Closed on university holidays, weekends and during intersessions.
Phone: (310) 206-1211
University of California, Los Angeles
Powell Library, Room 270 (second floor, on the east wing, across from the Inquiry/Circulation Desk)
Box 951517
Campus Mail Code 151704