Directed by Valerie Red-Horse (Cherokee), Jennifer Wynne Farmer.
DirectorValerie Red-Horse offers a moving tale of Native self-betterment and triumph in this disarming drama about three American Indian sisters, raised separately in foster families, who now seek a shared destiny as entrepreneurs of a line of organic cosmetics. The way to success, however, is strewn with practical, cultural and personal obstacles, the surmounting of which offers a drama rich with emotion, from a perspective heretofore rarely treated on screen.
Red-Horse Native Productions. Producer: Valerie Red-Horse, Dawn Jackson, Yvonne Russo. Screenwriter: Valerie Red-Horse. Cinematographer: Bruce Finn. Editor: Lorraine Salk. Cast: Valerie Red-Horse, Irene Bedard, Kimberly Norris Guerrero, Pato Hoffmann, Floyd Red Crow Westerman.
35mm, color, 107 min.