Directed by Vincente Minelli
In this delightful, musical slice of Americana circa 1903, Margaret O’Brien steals the show as Tootie, a pint-sized town booster who dreams about St Louis’ coming World’s Fair. But Tootie’s charmed life is threatened when Dad declares that he’s moving the family to New York. The always-enchanting Judy Garland performs memorable renditions of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” and “The Trolley Song.”
Recommended for ages 6+
MGM. Producer: Arthur Freed. Screenwriter: Irving Brecher, Fred F. Finklehoffe. Cinematographer: George Folsey. Editor: Albert Akst. Cast: Judy Garland, Margaret O’Brien, Mary Astor, Lucille Bremer, Leon Ames.
35mm, color, 113 min.