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"Crime rates in Los Angeles"

July 10, 1974


Carlos Aguilar reports on crime in Los Angeles from outside the Wilshire Police Department. While the city has seen a reduction in some crimes, such as rape, burglary and grand theft, there has been an increase in violent crimes, such as willful homicide and aggravated assault. Aguilar interviews a representative for the police department, possibly a commander, who talks about the rise in homicides nationwide, and how violent crime has increased more in other cities than it has in Los Angeles. Aguilar also reports on new trends in crime that are concerning such as group murders, which are a relatively new phenomenon they expect to see more of, and the number of juveniles committing crimes.

Note:  The KTLA newsfilm collection at UCLA consists of cut and unedited stories, outtakes and fill footage, originally shot on 16mm reversal film stock with magnetic soundtrack. Some footage, particularly material not used for broadcast, may be without sound.